Dacw gariad nefoedd wèn
Dyma gariad nefoedd wen
Wele gariad nefoedd wen

(Cariad yn disgleirio ar y groes)
1,(2,3),4,5;  1,4.
Dacw gariad nefoedd wèn
Yn disgleirio ar y pren;
  Dacw daledigaeth lawn
  I ofynion trymion iawn:
Iesu gollodd ddwyfol waed,
Minau gafodd wir iachâd.

Wele'r llwybr heddyw'n glir
Tua Chanaan hyfryd dir;
  Y mae'r faner fawr yn mlaen,
  F'holl elynion cwympo wnan';
Rhed yr oriau'u rhif i maes,
Caf fyn'd trwy'r
    Iorddonen las.

Wele'r Ganaan hyfryd, wiw,
Dyma'r ardal caf fi fyw;
  Gwlad heb ofid,
      gwlad heb wae,
  Gwleddoedd hyfryd i barhau:
Dwyfol gariad, dwyfol hedd,
Gaf fwynhau tu draw i'r bedd.

Na ddoed gwael wrthrychau'r byd
I gartrefu yn fy mryd;
  Digon, f'enaid, digon yw
  Myfyrdodau dwyfol friw:
Mae mwy pleser yn Dy glwy'
Na'u llawenydd penaf hwy.

Iesu gollodd ddwyfol waed,
Minau gafodd wir iachâd;
  Darfu ymffrost mawr
      y byd,
  Iesu bïau'r clod i gyd;
Wrth Ei draed dymunwn fyw,
Holl hapusrwydd f'enaid yw.

            - - - - -

Dyma gariad nefoedd wen,
Yn disgleirio ar y pren;
  Dyma daledigaeth lawn,
  I ofynion trymion iawn;
Iesu gollodd ddwyfol waed,
Minnau gafodd wir iachâd.

'Does gyffelyb iddo ef,
Ar y ddaear, yn y nef;
  Darfu ymffrost mawr y byd,
  Iesu bia'r clod i gyd;
Wrth ei draed dymunwn fyw,
Holl ddedwyddwch f'enaid yw.

Ti dy hunan, Iesu mawr,
Yw fy noddfa ar y llawr;
  Tegwch hardd
      dy wyneb pryd,
  Mil hawddgarach
      yw na'r byd:
Gad i'm gael dy gwmni cu,
Yn yr hen Iorddonen ddu.

O bydd im' yn nerth bob pryd,
Yn holl gyfyngderau'r hyd;
  Dal fi'n nyffryn tywyll cas,
  Hen angau llym,
      trwy rym dy ras;
Cadw yn dy fynwes gu,
F'enaid yn y frwydr ddu.

Pa fodd o flaen dy orsedd fawr,
Y gallwyf dd'od, 'ryw'n ofni'r awr;
  Golch f'euogrwydd yn dy waed,
  A maddeu 'mai, rho i'm ichahâd;
Yna deuaf ger dy fron,
Heb ddychrynu gan y don.

Ffarwel bob peth yn y byd,
Twyll a gwagedd y'nt i gyd;
  Angeu sy'n teyrnasu'n lân,
  Ar greaduriaid fawr a mân;
Heno marw, heno bedd,
Fory codwn ar ei wedd.

            - - - - -

Dacw gariad nefoedd wen,
Yn dysgleirio ar y pren;
  Dacw daledigaeth lawn
  I ofynion trymion iawn;
Iesu gollodd ddwyfol waed,
Minau gafodd wir iachâd;
  Wele'r llwybr heddyw'n glir,
  Tua Chanaan, hyfryd dir.

Na ddoed gwael wrthrychau'r byd,
Fyth i lechu yn fy mryd;
  Digon f'enaid,
      digon mwy,
  Myfyrdodau am ei glwy';
Darfu ymffrost mawr y byd,
Iesu bia'r clod i gyd;
  Wrth ei draed dymunwn fyw,
  Holl ddedwyddwch f'enaid yw.

Wele'r Ganaan hyfryd wiw,
Dyma'r ardal caf fi fyw;
  Gwlad heb ofid, gwlad heb wae,
  Gwleddoedd hyfryd i barhau;
Rheded rhif fy oriau ma's,
Gael myn'd trwy'r Iorddonen lâs;
  Dwyfol gariad, dwyfol hedd,
  Gaf fwynhau tu draw i'r bedd.

          - - - - -

Wele gariad nefoedd wen,
Yn disgleirio ar y pren;
  Wele'r haul yn duo ' wedd,
  Pan fu farw brenhin hedd.

Dyma daledigaeth lawn
I ofynion trymion iawn,
  Iesu gollodd ddwyfol waed,
  Minau gafodd wir iachâd.

Ti dy hunan Iesu mawr
Yw fy noddfa ar y llawr,
  Gad im' gael dy gwn'n cu
  Cyn myn'd i'r Iorddonen ddu.

Maddeu ' meiau oll yn rhad
Golch fy enaid yn dy waed;
  Yna deuaf ger dy fron
  Heb ddychrynu gan y don.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [77.77.77]:
Berlin (Salmydd Goudimel 1562)
Dix (William H Monk 1823-89)
Gethsemane (J Schop c.1610-64)
  Love Feast (<1829)
Newport (<1869)
Petra (Richard Redhead 1820-19)
Pressburg (Freylinghausen's Gesangbuch 1714)
Salm 135 (Salmydd Ffrengig 1562)
Tichfield (John Richardson 1816-79)

Tôn [7777D]
Syria (<1876)

  Dacw'r ffynnon fawr a gaed
  'Does gyffelyb iddo Ef
  Ti dy hunan Iesu mawr

(Love shining on the cross)
Behold the love of bright heaven
Shining on the tree;
  Behold a full payment
  For very heavy demands:
Jesus shed divine blood,
Whereas I got true healing.

See the path today clearly
Towards Canaan a delightful land;
  There is a great banner ahead,
  All my enemies fall they shall;
The hours their number shall run out,
I shall get to go through
     the severe Jordan.

See the delightful, worthy Canaan,
Here is the region I will get to live;
  A land without grief,
      a land without woe,
  Delightful enduring feasts:
Divine love, divine peace,
I will get to enjoy beyond the grave.

May the base objects of the world not come
To make a home in my mind;
  Sufficient, my soul, sufficient are
  Contemplations of a divine bruise:
There is more pleasure in Thy wound
Than their chief joys.

Jesus shed divine blood,
Whereas I got true healing;
  The great boasting of the world
    shall perish,
  To Jesus belongs all the praise;
At his feet I wish to live,
All the happiness of my soul he is.

                - - - - -

Here is the Lord of bright heaven,
Shining on the tree;
  Here is a full payment,
  To very heavy demands;
Jesus shed his divine blood,
I got true healing.

There is none similar to him,
On the earth, in heaven;
  The great boast of the world ceased,
  Jesus owns all the acclaim;
At his feet let us ask to live,
All the happiness of my soul he is.

Thou thyself, great Jesus,
Is my refuge on the earth;
  The beautiful fairness
      of thy countenance,
  Is a thousand times more
      beautiful than the world:
Let me get thy dear company,
In the old black Jordan.

O may it me strength to me every time,
In all the limits of the length;
  Hold me in the dark, hateful valley,
  Of old, sharp death,
      through the force of thy grace;
Keep in thy dear bosom,
My soul in the black battle.

However before thy great throne
I may come, I am fearing now;
  Wash my guilt in thy blood,
  And forgive my fault, give me salvation;
Then I shall come before thee,
Without being terrified by the wave.

Farewell to everything in the world,
Deception and vanity are they altogether;
  Death is reigning completely,
  Over creatures great and small;
Tonight dying, tonight a grave,
Tomorrow rising in his image.

                - - - - -

See the love of bright heaven,
Shining on the tree;
  See the full payment
  Of the very heavy demands;
Jesus shed divine blood,
I got true healing;
  See the path clear today,
  Towards Canaan, a delightful land.

Let no base objects of the world,
Every be hiding in my mind;
  Sufficient for my soul,
      sufficient evermore,
  Meditations about his wound;
The great boast of the world vanished,
To Jesus belongs all the acclaim;
  At his feet I would wish to live,
  The whole happiness of my soul he is.

See the delightful, worthy Canaan,
Here is the region I shall get to live in;
  A land without grief, a land without woe,
  Delightful feasts to continue;
Let the number of my hours run out,
May I get to go through the blue Jordan;
  Divine love, divine peace,
  I shall get to enjoy beyond the grave.

                - - - - -

See the love of bright heaven
Shining on the tree;
  See the sun blackening his countenance,
  When the king of peace died.

Here is a full payment
For the heavy demands of atonement,
  Jesus shed divine blood,
  I got true healing.

Thou thyself, great Jesus,
Art my refuge on the earth,
  Let me get thy dear company
  Before going to the black Jordan.

Forgive all my faults freely,
Wash my soul in thy blood;
  Then I shall come before thee
  Without being horrified by the wave.
tr. 2015,21 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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